Differential Pressure (Delta P) Final Report

Test Article:                    NANO FIBER MASK B, REF 1230500529, lot 20117175
Purchase Order:              NR20000432
Study Number:               1377951-S01
Study Received Date:     06 Jan 2021
Testing Facility:              Nelson Laboratories, LLC 6280 S. Redwood Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84123, U.S.A.

Test Procedure(s): Standard Test Protocol (STP) 
Number: STP0004 Rev 18
Deviation(s): None

Summary: The Delta P test is performed to determine the breathability of test articles by measuring the differential air pressure on either side of the test article using a manometer, at a constant flow rate. The Delta P test complies with EN 14683:2019, Annex C and ASTM F2100-19. All test method acceptance criteria were met. Testing was performed in compliance with US FDA good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations 21 CFR Parts 210, 211 and 820.

Test Side: Inside
Delta P Flow Rate: 8 Liters per minute (L/min)
Conditioning Parameters: 85 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) and 21 ± 5°C for a minimum of 4 hours

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